Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Everyday holds wonders to be seen.

Surprisingly,I started this week very good =) mayybbeee tooo goood =)

I went out yesterday with PEETTER(Liz) =)  to Wacko,LACC,amoeba,Jack in the Box and Boarders...
Boarders is closing and they have EVERYTHING ON SALE! sooo effiin Cheap! no joke
I got 4 books for less than 20 dollars =D now the problem is idk which one to start reading and then I bought two at wacko =) haha.

Here are the books i bought at Boarders =)

As soon as I saw the cover and the title i knew..it was a MUST buy! I haven't started reading it..but when i get to, I'll write a summary about it. =)

And ..once again..look at theee cover ..the cat Joey Grey reminded me of my cat Mcmittens.

Knitting..bones...a cat...lovely cover ..it was only 4 dollars...^_^

This one i bought at WACKO and nooo it wasn't cheap,but this is the one I started reading last night so far ..Spooktacular =)

Also bought this one at WACKO the gorey alphabet =)

Then we headed to Amoeba,and I bought three Monkees albums Pisces,Aquarius,Capricorn & Jones,The Monkees,and Headquarters =) One of the guys in the cash register looked alot like Curtis from Creature Feature,he was really cute...I almost died I thought it was him ..except he was like a mini Curtis and by that I mean he was scrawny.Anyways....I'm going back to BOARDERS tmrw..I'm gonna buy moreeee booksss .

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